The first day of the fall sports season in 2024 is Wednesday, August 14. Please make your summer plans accordingly.
Players need to submit all required forms to be eligible to participate in tryouts - no exceptions. The majority of forms are submitted online. The system is scheduled to open in July. Physicals are good for 13 months.
Players will need to bring a stick, mouthguard, shinguards, running shoes, and a (full) large water bottle to every practice. Cleats or turf shoes are also recommended for play on the grass, but running shoes are ok. Face masks (for corners) are optional for field players. Goalies will need goalie equipment and a mouthguard. Coaches have a limited number of sticks, face masks, and goalie equipment that players can borrow. Please e-mail if you'd like to borrow something at least two days before the first tryout so it can be ready for you. In the event of rain, players have to bring a sock and rubberband to cover the stick to play indoors. Players with asthma should always bring their inhalers. Players with braces may want to ask an orthodontist about mouthguard options. Players are encouraged to invest in high quality running shoes and break them in before tryouts. If you go to a running store (Pacers, RNJ, Road Runner), they can help you find the right ones for your feet. Without proper equipment, players will not be able to participate.
Tryout Criteria/Evaluations
During tryouts, student-athletes will be evaluated on four categories - fitness, stick skills, effort, and coachability. Fitness is measured by the timed mile and timed 40. Stick skills are measured by completion of an obstacle course for field players and various goalkeeping assessments for goalies. The fitness and stick skills scores are objective assessments, and the effort and coachability scores are subjective assessments. Scores are averaged together and are used to determine which student-athletes make the team. Underclassmen who score well may be invited to join the varsity team. Upperclassmen who underperform may be invited to join the junior varsity team only if space allows. No spot in this program is guaranteed.
Health and Safety
Information presented in the MCPS Athletics PowerPoint can be accessed here. Parents and athletes should review this information every year. Nutrition and hydration are extremely important during preseason.
As of the 2014 season, MCPS is using the heat index value (no longer the air quality, such as "code red") to determine if changes need to be made to practices on particularly hot days. MCPS will look at the heat index value for Gaithersburg, MD (20877), to make these decisions. For more info, see the MCPS athletics site here. If the heat index goes to 105 F or higher, practices/activities must be indoors.